Saanobox Cloud Solution


Saanobox Cloud Solutions

Cloud data center solution are ever close to your desktop solutions through unique Sannobox endpoint cloud solutions.

Highlights of Saanobox Cloud Solutions

Entirely cloud based – All the solutions of Saanobox cloud computing are cloud based and near to your door step. Its more of plug and play cloud services.

Any number of devices – Connect your business devices, endpoint devices, point to sales devices to your cloud backup or auxiliary storage space at a go.

Single sign-in – A simple easy to use interface for login and access.

Disaster recovery – In your in-house servers, data is always in threat of attacks, data loss and much more. But now with Saanobox technology, all your data are now in cloud and easy to recover than ever before.

Access from anywhere – Weather be at home office or in foreign grounds, access all your data in real time.

Real-time backups – Get the storage in cloud with assistance from Saanobox. Compare the avialable costing as per your unique need. Set the data stored in cloud from all your customer touch points.


The most remarkable benefit of Saanobox cloud solution is its scalability. The time has now gone to have physical limitation of processing core, memory and storage. The desktop solution can grow depending on the go. If there is requirement of huge processing, the core and memory can increase on the call.